Recruit hidden talent, diversify your team
We connect talent with forward-thinking companies that genuinely embrace diversity, equity and inclusion.

How can we help you?
hire on behalf of a company
my next professional opportunity
Partnering with you on holistic solutions to attract and retain the best talent.
Origin Story
Companies with significant gender diversity in their leadership teams outperform the market by an estimated 25% according to a recent Mckinsey report. This statistic increases to 36% in leadership teams that have ethnic diversity.
Aside from the obvious performance gains diversity and inclusion matters to people on a ‘human level’. When attempting to recruit top talent into an organization 67% of job seekers state that a diverse workforce is a critical factor when deciding whether or not to join a new organization.
This data is compelling and the need for change has never been as apparent, so why such slow progress?
I led one of the largest recruitment agencies in North America for over 15 years and I’ve observed most companies state that diversity was a top priority for the company but also the biggest challenge to deliver against. These organizations all had a genuine desire to change but were still relying on the exact same traditional methods to recruit and retain talent. Methods that are outdated and had not historically delivered the results they were looking for.
Talent providers that have both deep recruitment expertise and a demonstrable commitment to DEI within their own organization are few and far between.
In the wake of 2020 where over 2 million women left the workforce and the social issues around race in America became impossible to ignore, I was inspired to create Harper & Gray. My vision is to lead meaningful change in partnership with organizations that share a common goal to create a fair and inclusive workplace for everyone.
When working with Harper & Gray you can expect us to meet you wherever you are on your journey, and together we will create a bespoke recruitment plan that prioritizes diversity, and a retention plan that fosters inclusion and belonging.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is never a check box exercise for Harper & Gray.
It is our passion.
We hope that together with you we can build a better and more inclusive future for everyone.
Ginnette Harvey
Founder, Harper & Gray
By overlooking the positive impact women, minorities, and underrepresented groups have on an organization, companies are at a serious competitive disadvantage going into the future.
67% of job seekers say that a diverse workforce is critical in the decision to join a new organization.
Source: Glassdoor
Companies with significant gender diversity in their leadership teams outperform the market by 25%.
Source: Mckinsey Report
Companies with significant ethnically diverse leadership outperform non-diverse competitors by 36%
Source: Mckinsey Report
The average representation of females on US exec teams is just 21%
Source: Glassdoor

Our Commitments to You
We create a level playing field
Within all searches we aim to provide you with a high-quality candidate shortlist that is diverse and representative of the world we live in.
In the event that a suitable diverse candidate isn’t available then we donate a percentage of any successful search fee to a STEM based non-profit that directly impacts diversity in the field.
You can be sure that every search with Harper & Gray brings us one step closer to a more fair and equitable future.
We make first impressions count
We help you develop fair and equitable hiring and onboarding processes that impact both recruitment and retention.
Attracting diverse candidates is meaningless without an unbiased selection and interview process. We work together with you to create a process that is consistent and supports the concept of a true level playing field.
A positive onboarding experience is pivotal to the long-term retention of employees. We are committed to supporting you to create the right experience that facilitates both inclusion and belonging.
Our goal is that all candidates that interact with your organization leave with a great first impression!
We empower your leaders to evolve and grow
When managing teams that are increasingly more diverse it is essential that leaders are equipped to manage in a fair and equitable way.
We empower your leaders through a comprehensive executive coaching program to develop both the confidence and competence to lead diverse teams in an inclusive yet authentic way.

The Future of Recruitment

Working together to build a diverse, all-inclusive future.
We connect the best talent with forward-thinking companies that genuinely embrace diversity, equity and inclusion.
Let's change the status quo together.